Top 10k strings from Sorcerer's Castle (1983)(Mikro-Gen)[a].tzx
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10 c$(x,y,z)= 2 gp=gp-2000 2 gp=gp-1500 2 gp=gp-1250 2 gp=gp-1000 2 c$(x,y,z)=t$: 2 ;"Enter y or n"; 2 (y=y1);i$(t); 2 "The ";d$(mt, 2 "Murtceps' crown" 1 w$(i),z$(i),w$(i+4 1 stew. soup. burger.roast. pie. 1 p$(i),y$(i),e$(i): 1 no weapona dagger a mace a sword no armourleather chainmailplate 1 iq;". Enter s, i or d please";" "( 1 gp=gp-wv*10 1 gp=gp-av*10 1 gp;" gold pieces" 1 fl;" flares" 1 fighterwizard elf dwarf hobbit 1 eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeneeeeeehgeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeneeeeee 1 eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeneeeeeeeehgeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehgeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehgeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehgeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeneheeeee 1 d$(i),x$(i),i$(i): 1 castle Vl 1 c$(x,y,z+1 1 c$(x,y,z)=t$ 1 c$(x,y,z): 1 c$(x,y,z)): 1 c$(i,j)="eeeeeeee": 1 an empty room the entrance stairs going up stairs going downa pool a chest gold pieces flares a warp a sinkhole a crystal orb a book a kobold an orc a wolf a goblin an ogre a troll a bear a minotaur a gargoyle a chimera a balrog a dragon a vendor the ruby red the norn stone the pale pearl the opal eye the green gem the blue flame the palantir the silmaril x 1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX 1 ;"y or n": 1 ;"weapon": 1 ;"w, f or d please" 1 ;"s, m, d or n, fool"; 1 ;"m or f, stupid": 1 ;"has dissapeared ": 1 ;"crown. But the magic ring": 1 ;"a weapon?",,, 1 ;"Yours.": 1 ;"Your armour has been destroyed": 1 ;"You've found the ring!": 1 ;"You've found it! The great": 1 ;"You're blind; try something else": 1 ;"You'll be sorry you did that": 1 ;"You need the ring to teleport"; 1 ;"You have escaped!": 1 ;"You don't have any flares, silly": 1 ;"You can't see without a lamp!"; 1 ;"You can't get on the roof"; 1 ;"You are already at the bottom"; 1 ;"Will you sell ";d$(i+25 1 ;"Where will you shine the lamp? ",, 1 ;"What do you want to do?" 1 ;"Type t, a or i" 1 ;"Type s, i, or d, or n for no"; 1 ;"Try s, i, d or n please"; 1 ;"Too pricey; enter s, m, d, or n ": 1 ;"There is no orb to gaze into"; 1 ;"Then don't mess about; re-enter": 1 ;"The armourer can't waste all dayserving you, please just enter anumber from 1 to ";gp: 1 ;"The Sorcerers castle": 1 ;"Sorry, I don't understand that"; 1 ;"Solid walls that way; try again"; 1 ;"Select d,e,f,h or w" 1 ;"Please enter the number and thenpress "; 1 ;"Please answer y or n": 1 ;"Open what? Try again"; 1 ;"Oh no! Your";w$(wv+1 1 ;"No stairs up here; re-enter move": 1 ;"No pool or stairs down here"; 1 ;"No credit given; p, c, l, or n": 1 ;"Nice try, now use t, a or i": 1 ;"Nice try, now enter w, f or d": 1 ;"MURTCEPS"; 1 ;"M i s s e d !": 1 ;"Level ";z; 1 ;"Just s, m, d, or n please"; 1 ;"Just p, c, l or n"; 1 ;"Is your intelligence really": 1 ;"I'll stop playing! Answer y or n": 1 ;"I said d,e,f,h or w. Try again": 1 ;"I only understand n, s, e or w": 1 ;"How many would you like?",,, 1 ;"FLASH!"; 1 ;"Enter y or n": 1 ;"Enter y or n" 1 ;"Enter s, m, d, or n for none"; 1 ;"Enter s, m or d, or n for none" 1 ;"Enter p, c, l, or n for none"; 1 ;"Enter p, c, l, or n for none" 1 ;"Enter p, c or l, or n for none" 1 ;"Enter m or f" 1 ;"Enter a, r";: 1 ;"Either y or n please"; 1 ;"Don't mess about, y or n": 1 ;"Do you want to buy any flares?",,, 1 ;"Do you want to buy a lamp?",,, 1 ;"Do you want another game? y/n": 1 ;"Do you really want to quit? y/n" 1 ;"D E A T H - ";: 1 ;"Are you stupid? a, r";: 1 ;"Answer y or n" 1 ;"Answer n, s, e or w";: 1 ;"AllIwantisyourlife!": 1 ;"A simple y or n will do, thanks"; 1 ;"1 - 8 please": 1 ;" the sorcerer has a hugecastle. Your task is to enter itand find Murtceps' great crown. Your friends won't think much ofyou if you leave the castlewithout it." 1 ;" for each point " 1 ;" You stagger from the room": 1 ;" Press keys s, i or d once ": 1 ;" Oh no! You are now","a blind ";p$(pt): 1 ;" ": 1 ;" ": 1 ;" ": 1 7140410460614084306081265120806660610106 1 413512115117306307111106306310313306308406306308407307306310310309308308308112114114112113114112112101 1 1938363719171915 1 ,,"You are wearing ";w$(av+5 1 ,,"What armour do you want to buy?",,, 1 *(r$="s")+2 1 *(r$="p")+2 1 *(r$="m")+(r$="d") 1 *(r$="c")+(r$="l") 1 *(c$(x,y,z)>"c")): 1 )=y)*(e(i,3 1 )=x)*(e(i,2 1 ),"for ";t;" gold pieces",,, 1 ),"and carry a lamp, "( 1 ),"and carry ";w$(wv+1 1 ));w$(wv+1 1 ));" is dead": 1 ));" broke!": 1 ));" and a lamp"( 1 ));" + ";gp;" gold pieces"( 1 ));" ";e$( 1 )),fl;" flares"( 1 (c$(x,y,z))-100 1 "yourself drinking","from a pool and turning","into ";d$( 1 "yourself being","killed by ";d$( 1 "w - go west": 1 "u - go up stairs": 1 "turn into a ";p$(pt): 1 "the silmaril","112","T","x","101"," 1 "the opal eye","112","T","the green gem","113","T","the blue flame","114","T","the palantir","112","T" 1 "the 9-o-clock news" 1 "t - teleport (you need the ring)h - ask for help": 1 "stronger": 1 "strength" 1 "smarter": 1 "s - go south": 1 "q - quit playing" 1 "or cast a spell" 1 "or bribe" 1 "o - open a chest": 1 "o - open a book": 1 "no weapon","19","no armour","19","a dagger","38","leather","17","a mace","36","chainmail","19","a sword","37","plate","15" 1 "nimbler": 1 "n - go north": 1 "m - draw a map": 1 "l - look (you need a lamp)": 1 "intelligence" 1 "he missed you!": 1 "gazing back at you" 1 "g - gaze into an orb": 1 "fighter","71404104","stew.","wizard","60614084","soup.","elf","30608126","burger.","dwarf","51208066","roast.","hobbit","60610106","pie." 1 "f - fire a flare": 1 "e - go east": 1 "dexterity" 1 "d - go down stairs" 1 "d - drink from a pool" 1 "clumsier": 1 "become a ";"female "(1 1 "at ";y;", ";x;", level ";z: 1 "at ";y1;", ";x1;", level ";z1: 1 "and dexterity ";dx: 1 "an ogre","407","M","a troll","307","M","a bear","306","M","a minotaur","310","M" 1 "an empty room","413"," ","the entrance","512","E","stairs going up","115","U","stairs going down","117","D" 1 "a warp","306","W","a sinkhole","310","S","a crystal orb","313","O","a book","306","B" 1 "a vendor","308","V","the ruby red","112","T","the norn stone","114","T","the pale pearl","114","T" 1 "a scream footsteps thunder scratching"(t1 1 "a pool","306","P","a chest","307","C","gold pieces","111","G","flares","106","F" 1 "a kobold","308","M","an orc","406","M","a wolf","306","M","a goblin","308","M" 1 "a gargoyle","310","M","a chimera","309","M","a balrog","308","M","a dragon","308","M" 1 "Your wretched life" 1 "Your strength is ";st;", dexterity",dx;" and intelligence ";iq,,,: 1 "Your lamp shines out of the castle door": 1 "Your lamp shines into room ";y;"-";x: 1 "You're too poor to buy anything": 1 "You're facing ";d$(mt),"Your strength is ";st: 1 "You take his hoard of",t;" gold pieces": 1 "You stepped on a frog" 1 "You spend an hour or so","eating ";d$(mt, 1 "You should be able to work outthe other ones by yourself; ifyou get stuck then you can enterh for help.",,,,"Please wait while the castle isbeing set up; it will be readywhen the clock says 12-o-clock." 1 "You see a bat fly by" 1 "You see "; 1 "You open the chest;" 1 "You now have ";gp: 1 "You now have ";fl: 1 "You may trade with, attack or","ignore the vendor",,, 1 "You may attack or retreat" 1 "You left the castle with";: 1 "You hit the lousy ";d$(mt, 1 "You hear ";: 1 "You have:-","Strength ";st,"Intelligence ";iq,"Dexterity ";dx,,,: 1 "You have ";op;" more points to","divide as you wish",,,: 1 "You have ";gp;" gold pieces": 1 "You have "; 1 "You get all the vendor's wares;a sword, plate armour, strengthpotion, dexterity potion, intel-ligence potion and a lamp": 1 "You find ";t;" gold pieces": 1 "You drink from the pool and": 1 "You died from an acute lack" 1 "You did have the following:-": 1 "You can't cast a spell now.": 1 "You can't beat it to death with a book!": 1 "You can smell ";d$(t1) 1 "You are wearing ";w$(av+5 1 "You are now entering the castle",,,: 1 "You are in room ";y;"-";x;", on level ";z,,, 1 "You are being watched" 1 "You also had the following:-" 1 "You need to give me the threedigit number of the room youwish to teleport to; first enterthe number of rooms down fromthe top, then the number acrossfrom the left. Finally, enterthe level you wish to go to. Iwill accept only the numbers 1to 8 as input.": 1 "Would you like any armour?",,, 1 "Will you give it to me?" 1 "When you died you had:-": 1 "Well now, ";p$(pt): 1 "Web, fireball or death spell?",,, 1 "To the north is the castle wall": 1 "There you see ";d$( 1 "There is a solid wall west": 1 "The web has just broken" 1 "The vendor is selling:-",,," Armour"," Weapons","Platemail 2000","Swords 2000","Chainmail 1500","Maces 1500","Leather 1250","Daggers 1250",,,"Lamps"," 1000","Strength, intelligence","or dexexterity potions 1000 each",,"All prices are in gold pieces" 1 "The ring" 1 "The opal eye cures","your blindness.": 1 "The local armoury sells:-",,," Armour"," Weapons",,,"Platemail 30","Swords 30","Chainmail 20","Maces 20","Leather 10","Daggers 10",,,"Lamps 20","Flares 1 each",,,"All prices are in gold pieces",,, 1 "The book sticks to your hands!","Now you can't draw your weapon": 1 "The blue flame dissolves the","book; your hands are free.": 1 "Solid walls to the south": 1 "Shame on you!": 1 "OUCH!! He hit you!": 1 "O.K. But don't tell a anyone" 1 "Murtceps crown": 1 "Just a solid wall to the east": 1 "It's now yours": 1 "It's a manual of strength!": 1 "It's a manual of dexterity!": 1 "It's a copy of Murtceps' poetry": 1 "It took you ";m;" turns": 1 "It explodes!": 1 "It does ";t;" points damage": 1 "I want ";d$(t+25 1 "I recognise your single lettercommands such as n, s, e, w, uand d for north, south, east,west, up and down." 1 "Hitting it with your hands won'thurt ";d$(mt): 1 "Here you find ";d$( 1 "Here are the inputs I recognize": 1 "Greetings, bold adventurer, youmay choose to be:-",,," a dwarf",," an elf",," a fighter",," a hobbit",,"or a wizard",,,, 1 "Formerly living ";p$(pt): 1 "Fancy a potion?",,,, 1 "Do you want to buy a lamp?",,, 1 "Are you male or female?",,, 1 "An incredible achievment": 1 "A A Ahchoo!! You sneezed" 1 " is stuck in the web": 1 " attacks:": 1 EUDPCGFWSOBMMMMMMMMMMMMVTTTTTTTT